General Information - Administrator
Description: Those accredited with this badge understand the operation of Lynn and can manage applications, campaigns, and reports using Lynn's administrator tools. They are familiar with various analytics and management tools that allow them to control and audit activities within a Lynn application, analyze communication and contactability strategy results, and its evolution.
Target audience: Lynn partners and clients who want to acquire specific skills and knowledge to manage applications, campaigns, reports, accesses, and more using Lynn's administrator tools.
Skills: User and role management • Credential management • Data analysis • Campaign and blacklist management • Rich HSM messages • Outbound • Report exploitation • Lynn tools • Business knowledge • Predictive capabilities • Process auditing • Social Networks.
To obtain your certificate you must: Have Lynn Fundations certification, Campaign Manager certification, and Lynn Data Analyst certification, and this credential will be assigned to you automatically 👇
Administrator Certification Path
Campaign Manager
Description: Those accredited with this badge understand the execution of outbound campaigns from Lynn's interface. They can supervise and manage customer contact databases, blacklists, create and manage HSM templates for WhatsApp communications. They can use analysis tools to track and analyze campaign performance metrics offered by Lynn.
Target audience: Partners and clients who want to create, modify, and maintain advanced functionalities for their organization using Lynn as a development tool.
Skills: Outbound, campaign structuring, proactive tools, rich HSM messages, contactability, social networks, blacklist management.
Mode: Online, theoretical and practical sessions via Teams.
To obtain your certificate you must: Obtain 75% on the theoretical exam, 75% on the practical exam.
To participate
Prerequisites: Have Lynn Fundation certification.
Registration: Complete your registration HERE
- Content
- Graphic interface walkthrough for campaign management.
- Manage Campaigns
- Campaign creation
- Campaign validation
- Campaign information
- Edit campaigns
- Copy campaigns
- Delete campaigns
- Enable editors
- Campaign data
- Download contact template
- Upload data list (Non-WhatsApp)
- Upload Campaign data (WhatsApp)
- Manage contact list
- Delete contacts
- Blacklist management
- Upload WhatsApp contact list
- Add new contact
- Apply filters
- WhatsApp templates
- Create WhatsApp templates (Gupshup)
- Edit WhatsApp templates (Gupshup)
- Implement WhatsApp templates
- Category management
- Add category
- Delete category
- Edit category
Lynn Data Analyst
Description: Those accredited with this badge can exploit and interpret/analyze datasets delivered from Lynn's reporting and convert the data into meaningful information that benefits the organization. They understand the capabilities of report structuring and the management of proposed custom report structures.
Target audience: Partners and clients who want to exploit and interpret/analyze datasets delivered from Lynn's reporting.
Skills: Data analysis, reports, charts, Kibana Dashboards, business knowledge, predictive capabilities, process auditing, social networks.
Mode: Online, theoretical and practical sessions via Teams.
To obtain your certificate you must: Obtain 75% on the theoretical exam, 75% on the practical exam.
To participate
Prerequisites: Have Lynn Fundation certification.
Registration: Complete your registration HERE
- Content
- Dashboard administration
- Access your dashboards
- Create a new dashboard
- Default reports
- Custom reports
- Schedule your report delivery
- Limitations in the use of a report
- Default report offerings
- Dashboard Dialogs
- Dashboard Outbound
- Dashboard Supervisor
- Dashboard Productivity
- Dashboard Knowledge Performance
- Dashboard Performance
- Dashboard Menu Detail
- Data persistence and its characteristics
- For production environments
- For other environments or data sources
- Tariffing tool - Definitions