Channel – Whatsapp - Proactive Messages in Asynchronous Communication
"While assisting my client in the chat, a parallel process is executed to update and subsequently restart their modem. At each step of this process, the client is automatically informed about the progress of this task."
Status: Active
Complexity: Advanced
Category: Customer Service
Use Case Description
Usability: To address the need to inform a client connected to WhatsApp about the status of a remote automatic process that is running in parallel to their current conversation, for example, the restart of a modem device.
Expected Outcome: The client connected to WhatsApp receives messages about the status of the automatic process.
Method of Resolution for the Use Case
Solution Description: The need to keep the client informed about automatic processes that are running parallel to their conversation with the executive is presented, which involves using Outbound messages from Lynn.
Solution Diagram:
LYNN Components involved:
Lynn Proactive Module
Messaging API
WhatsApp Channel
Channel Sandbox.
External Components involved: Integration with the client's Bot.
Costs for Required Licenses: Not applicable
Number of HH to be disbursed: 22 HH
Additional Documentation:
Documentation in the resource center: