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Channel - Whatsapp - Proactive Messaging in Asynchronous Communication with Retry Capability or Agent Redirection

Diagrama, Esquemático Descripción generada

"Our clients contact us via WhatsApp, and an automated flow in Lynn presents a menu that gives the client the possibility to update and restart their router remotely by invoking a Telco API. During the process, each update step is automatically communicated to the client in a proactive thread, allowing the client the freedom to continue accessing self-service options while the task is being executed. In case of a failure reported by the update process, a menu is displayed querying the opportunity for retrying or opting to be assisted by an operator or canceling. If affirmative, this communication is transferred to an operator in Genesys Cloud to assist the client."

Status: Active.

Complexity: Advanced.

Category: Chat Bot / Voice Bot

Use Case Description

  • Usability: Addressing the need to inform a WhatsApp-connected client about the status of a remote process running concurrently with their ongoing conversation and, in case of a failure, enable assistance by an operator in Genesys Cloud, for example: "restarting/updating a modem at the client's premises". Offering the opportunity to manage retries or transfer to an executive. Note: Not recommended if there is redirection in the main self-service flow.

Expected Outcome: The WhatsApp-connected client receives asynchronous messages about the status of a remote process, without limiting the ability to consume the main self-service flow, offering the chance to retry the execution of the remote process or to contact an agent.

Use Case Resolution Method

Solution Description

  1. Prior to contracting and connecting the WhatsApp channel through Lynn's providers, a self-service flow is structured in Lynn's designer with the ability to execute an external API using the "JSON WebRequest" action. This action initiates an external process capable of notifying Lynn about its execution status through the API and the Proactive (Outbound) module. A campaign is responsible for managing messages in parallel, allowing the client to continue using automation services in Lynn's main flow.

  2. In the proactive flow, a menu is added to be presented in case of failure reported by the external process, with options for retrying, canceling, or redirection to an executive, which triggers a "Derivation to Call Center" action that routes the conversation to the chat engine.

LYNN Components Involved

  • WhatsApp Connector
  • Chat Connector
  • Lynn Proactive Module
  • Messaging API - Proactive
  • Channel Sandbox (for testing)
  • Chat Engine (if opting for LMC)

External Components Involved

  • Chat Engine
  • External API (External service managing a remote process and notifying Lynn of new status updates)
  • WhatsApp Account

Estimated Number of Hours: 52 hours, referenced in case it's carried out by a Lynn Core Certified Developer (LCCD).

Additional Documentation:

Documentation in the Resource Center

External Documentation