Lynn Copilot
Is an AI-powered assistant tool for the Lynn designer that aims to simplify the creation and management of flows by assisting the editor in structuring, cognitive training, and validating design structures.
Current Functions of Lynn Copilot
- Assisted creation of intents and training.
- Monitoring and scanning of design structures to help detect errors.
- Assisted development of intents and generation of data form models or input data.
Nota: Note: Activation of Copilot beta features must be requested from the Lynn team until its full deployment.
Working Modes
Armed Mode (Scanning)
When entering a Lynn application (tenant) that has enabled assistance via Lynn Copilot, an "Armed" event is triggered, providing Copilot with the necessary data to start an asynchronous scan of the associated subsystems. This is done to identify potential alarms or malfunctions. The data includes:
- User interacting
- Current window position
- Active tenant
- Division
- Language
If any alarms or malfunctions are detected, an "Activate" event is generated, which automatically opens the Lynn Copilot window, displaying the user the messages and possible resolution actions.
Modo Activado (Creación de elementos)
El modo de activación manual se ejecuta cuando un usuario presiona el botón de Lynn Copilot, en ese momento se informa a Copilot toda la data actualizada que refiere a el diseño de trabajo y editor que esta en uso, de forma similar a como sucedería si el sistema fuera a estado de “armado”.**
El panel de asistencia Lynn Copilot guiará el proceso en todo momento, indicando en principio en un panel de tipo chat las opciones disponibles a operar según las características del aplicativo. Estas funciones irán incrementando en su diversidad según se desarrollen nuevas acciones asistidas para el módulo de copiloto.
Assisted Options
Intent Creation and Training
This option allows for the bulk creation of intents and training examples automatically.
1.- Lynn Copilot will prompt for the description of the intents to be created, and optionally, you can indicate the number of training examples to generate. Usually, Lynn will provide an input prompt example for interacting with its options. However, it interprets the natural language of the query for processing, as long as it is focused on the intended option. It is recommended to associate a cognitive engine before generating intents and automated training. Otherwise, subsequent linking may require additional effort to individually link the elements to the engine.
--Example: Pay credit card, schedule an appointment at the bank, and check my current account balance. 4 examples for each.
2.- Lynn Copilot will automatically perform training in the cognitive engine that is connected and configured as the default engine in the application (tenant).
3.- Subsequently, Lynn Copilot will request your approval to proceed with the creation of those intents with a true or false message.
You can view the new elements in the element manager of the "layout" design view (they will be displayed in yellow). Remember that you can add the new elements to the current layout or generate a layout based on the functionalities you want to represent using the new elements.
Important: During the time the Copilot application is in Preview mode, the number of Intentions that can be created in a single Copilot interaction will be limited to 10. For each created intention, the number of training examples will be limited to 15.
Data Request Flow Creation
This option allows for the creation of cases, entities, and actions necessary to automatically develop a data request flow.
1.- Lynn Copilot will request a description of the data to be requested.
2.- Once the data request dialogs are generated, a preview will be presented with an example of them.
3.- Lynn Copilot will request client approval to proceed with the creation of the elements.
4.- Lynn Copilot will automatically create the case, actions, and entities necessary to generate the flow.
You can view the new elements in the element manager of the "layout" design view (they will be displayed in yellow). Remember that you can add the new elements to the current layout or generate a layout based on the functionalities you want to represent using the new elements.
We recommend adding the case association tree to also include the actions. The elements created by Lynn Copilot are easily identifiable as their names start with the prefix cop_.
Important: During the time the Lynn Copilot application is in Beta mode, the number of elements to be created in a single Copilot interaction will be limited to 25.