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Await Json Web Request Results

Element name: Await JSON web Request Results

Category: External Services

Description: retrieve or wait for the results of the queries to services associated with "Async JSON Web Request" actions..

Funcionality: Together with the "Async JSON Web Request" actions, it allows for retrieving the response of invoked web services. It has the ability to create a list of active "Async JSON Web Request" actions in the diagram flow and query their results, resolving the loading of the respective entity for each service at the time of its activation.

Important ❕: If you want to retrieve the value of an "Async JSON Web Request" action that has not been activated but is configured in the waiting list, this specific query would be ignored, continuing with the others in the list and generating a log record for this action or resolving an error handling for this case.

Configuration fields of the action Await JSON web Request Results

[Name] Unique configuration box descriptor for identifying it within the flow.

General subset

[List of waiting actions] This field allows for the selection of all JSON WEB REQUEST actions with ASYNC characteristics that are available to add. They must already be created in the designer flow to be reflected as options in the configuration box..

[Interrupt execution in case of error] Activation field that allows for activating the action diversion execution in case of error or overriding such behavior. It should be noted that the first action in the list that reports an error will be executed in case there are multiple asynchronous actions listed.

Example of implementing Await JSON Web Request Results


Pre-configured asynchronous actions.

-- Example:

Wait acction list:


Interrupt execution in case of error: Si

Procesamiento de llamadas a servicios:

ASYNC WEB REQ 1 waiting t 2 seg

ASYNC WEB REQ 2 waiting t 3 seg

ASYNC WEB REQ 3 waiting t 2 seg

Linear call process accumulation: sum(2,3,2)= 7 seg

ASYNC + WAIT managed process with all services having results: [2,3,2]>@ = 3 seg

Result entities:

ASYNC WEB REQ 1 Response ß Available for reading in entity.

ASYNC WEB REQ 2 Response ß Available for reading in entity.

ASYNC WEB REQ 3 Response ß Available for reading in entity.