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AWS Encrypt

Category: Security

Description: This extension module allows you to encrypt text using AWS services. It leverages AWS KMS to manage encryption keys and perform encryption securely, taking advantage of the advanced security, scalability, and compliance features that AWS offers.

Functionality: Use this extension module to securely encrypt a given text.


  1. AWS Account: If you do not have one, sign up on the AWS website and follow the account creation process.
  2. Obtain:
    • Security Credentials: Set up access credentials, including the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, to authenticate your requests to AWS.
    • AWS Encryption Key


Name: Input field of type String that identifies the extension module in the flow.

The expression that contains the text to be encrypted: An input field of type String Expression that allows you to enter the message to be encrypted or a previously created entity containing the message.

Entity where the encryption result will be deposited: Input field that allows selecting from a dropdown list the name of the entity in which the encrypted text will be stored.

AWS encription key.: Input field of type password to enter the Customer Master Key (CMK) used for encrypting and decrypting data. These keys are created and managed in the AWS KMS console. CMKs provide an additional layer of security for resources stored in the AWS cloud, ensuring that data is protected both at rest and in transit.

AWS access key: Input field of type password to enter the unique identifier (Access Key ID) used to authenticate requests for access to AWS services. Along with the secret access key, it is part of the credentials that allow making programmatic requests to AWS services.

AWS secret access key: Input field of type password to enter the secret key associated with the Access Key ID.

AWS Region: Input field of type string that allows entering the region obtained from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

For more information, refer to the AWS documentation.

The intent to execute on error. The action flow will be interrupted and the description of the error will be passed to the selected intent with the name: 'Aws_Encrypt_Error': Input field that allows selecting from a dropdown list the intent that will be used to handle errors for this extension module (after configuring the intent). The error details will be available in the entity called 'Aws_Encrypt_Error'.

Implementation Example

Field Value
Name AWSEncryptAction
The expression that contains the text to be encrypted toBeEncryptEntity
Entity where the encryption result will be deposited  encryptedEntity
AWS Encryption Key xxxxxxxxxx
AWS Access Key xxxxxxxxxx
AWS Secret Access Key xxxxxxxxxx
AWS Region us-east-1
The intent to execute on error. The action flow will be interrupted and the description of the error will be passed to the selected intent with the name: 'Aws_Encrypt_Error' ErrorHandler_Intent