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Element Name: CallBack

Category: Contact Center (Call Center).

Description: Advanced functionality for managing and controlling the callback service with Genesys, both PureCloud and PureEngage.

Functionality: Immediate or scheduled callback implementations. Supported under Genesys functional conditions

Configuration Fields for Callback Type Action

[Name]: A unique configuration field for the purpose of identifying it within the workflow.

[CallBack Engine]:A list-type field where you can specify the CallBack engine to use; you can choose between the Genesys Engage chat engine and Genesys Cloud.

-- Example:

[Request Type]: A field where you must select the type of request. The available modes are:

  • Callback: It will be executed instantly when an agent is in a ready state.
  • Scheduling: The call will be made at a defined date and time.

-- Example: 56

[Name of Callback Entity 1]: In this field, you should include the name of Callback Entity 1. You can add multiple numbers to call, following a sequential order.

-- Example: Entity: "number" <= 9XXXXXXXX (The number contained in that entity will be dialed)

[Error Handler]: The intention to execute in case of an error. The action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intention with the name: 'Call_Back_Error'.

Configuration Fields for Callback Service Settings with PURE ENGAGE + Callback Routing Type (Immediate Callback)

[Callback Service Base URL]: In this field, you declare the base URL to indicate the Pure Engage server to execute the API.

-- Example:

[Callback Service Name]: In this field, you must define the name of the service or strategy in Genesys Engage to which the callback service should point.

-- Example: chat_service

[Additional Callback Data]: A string field that allows you to add additional data for the callback, which will appear in the conversation executive's attribute property.

[List of Additional Callback Data]: In this field, you select the entities that can be transferred in USERDATA to Genesys Cloud.

Configuration Fields for Callback Service Settings with PURE ENGAGE + SCHEDULING Routing Type

You need to configure the same previous fields and additionally, the following fields:

[Entity Datetime Field]: A field where you must define or create an entity to store the date and time of the interaction's callback.

[Add Date Time Format]: A field that allows you to format the date and time defined in the EntityDatetime field. The format is dd/MM/yy HH:mm.

Configuration Fields for Callback Service Settings with PURE CLOUD + CALLBACK Routing Type (Optional)

[Region to Use]: You must select the region provided by your Pure Cloud provider. Selecting a different region from the one assigned will prevent agents from logging in.

[Client ID for Token Creation]: A field where you must indicate the client ID extracted from the OAuth configuration in the Genesys Cloud organization.

[Client Secret for Token Creation]: A field where you must indicate the Client Secret extracted from the OAuth configuration in the Genesys Cloud organization.

[Script ID for PureCloud Callback]: A field where you must indicate the script identifier. You can obtain it from Genesys Cloud in the script configuration.

[Queue ID for PureCloud Callback]: A field where you must indicate the identifier of the queue to which the call will be routed. You can obtain it from Genesys Cloud in the queue configuration.

[Validate Callback Number]: A boolean field. When you select "Yes," the Genesys Cloud API will validate the number format. When you select "No," Genesys will dial the number as it is on the list.

[Callback Entity Name]: The name displayed to recipients when making a phone call as part of the callback. This can be overridden by other settings in the system, such as external trunk configuration.

[Callback Entity Name 2 - 5]: Additional numbers for the callback.

[Additional Callback Data]: Key-Value field where you can define additional attributes.

-- Example:

  • Key: Status

  • Value: "Interested", "Not interested"

[Queue ID]:An optional field to define the routing queue identifier.

[Language ID]: An optional field to indicate the identifier of a language to consider in routing.

[Priority]: An optional field to assign a priority for routing, where "0" implies that the client has no priority, and the order in which it arrived in the queue must be respected.

[Skill IDs]: In this field, you can add a list of skill identifiers to consider in routing. They should be separated by an "enter."

[Preferred Agent IDs]: In this field, you can add a list of preferred agent names for this routing. They should be separated by an "enter."

You need to configure the same previous fields and additionally, the following fields:

[Entity Datetime Field]: A field where you define the datetime entity to specify the date and time of the interaction's callback.

[Add Date Time Format]: Date and time format for the EntityDatetime field.

Implementation Examples for Callback Type Action

Example 1: PURE ENGAGE and CALLBACK Request Type (Immediate Callback)

[CallBack Engine to Use]: PURE_ENGAGE

[Request Type]: CALLBACK

[Country Code]: 56

[Callback Entity Name]: 968XX0001

[Callback Service Base URL]: http://XXX.XX.233.XXX:8080/genesys/1/service/callback/

[Callback Service Name]: cbTestDelayed

[Callback Service Name]: PHONE_NUMBER, USER_NAME

If the [Request Type] is SCHEDULING, you must enter the following fields:

[Entity Datetime Field]: Service_scheduling

[Add Date Time Format]: dd/MM/yy HH:mm

Result 1:

When this action is executed, its result will conclude with the registration of a Genesys callback.

Example 2: PURE CLOUD and CALLBACK Routing Type (Immediate Callback)

[CallBack Engine to Use]:PURE_CLOUD

[Request Type]: CALLBACK

[Country Code]: 56

[Callback Entity Name 1]: 968449991

[Region to Use]: us_east_1

[Client ID for Token Creation]: 0ba3dec3-aebc-4933-9580-469c080c984d

[Client Secret for Token Creation]: VvW6fUHFz9oYmdLNAz7oFdlQbT0jdlCE-gswY8W1C1Q

[Script ID for PureCloud Callback]: 0c774d13-4004-43f9-b5a1-e64f8781a8b5

[Queue ID for PureCloud Callback]: 3552e147-d946-46f9-9969-012ac8289fb2

[Validate Callback Number]: true

[Callback Entity Name]: phone_number_1

[Callback Entity Name 2]: phone_number_2

[Callback Entity Name 3]: phone_number_3

[Additional Callback Data 1]: C2C

[Additional Callback Data 2]: (List of Data): PHONE_NUMBER, USER_NAME

The following routing parameters are optional:

[Queue ID]: d1558db4-fff-XX71-9467-XXXXa55fd6a7

[Language ID]: e25XXX7-5ea1-XXXX-bc5b-45XXXXX125a

[Priority]: 2

[Skill IDs]:






If the [Request Type] is SCHEDULING, you must enter the following fields:

[Entity Datetime Field]: Serv_scheduling

[Add Date Time Format]: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm

Result 2:

When this action is executed, its result will conclude with the registration of a Genesys callback.