Campaign Contact Manager
Element Name: Campaign Contact Manager
Category: Proactive (Outbound)
Description: This advanced functionality manages new interaction contacts within Lynn's proactive module.
Functionality: It creates or updates a contact based on the channel through which the session was initiated. The contact's ID is returned, and it is a mandatory parameter to generate a campaign record from the workflow. Contacts can be explored in the campaign data records.
Action Configuration Fields
Contact Information (Required)
[Name]: Unique descriptor for configuration box identification purposes in the flow.
[Expression to specify contact's full name]: A string-type entity that will contain the contact's name value.
[Entity where the ID of the created contact will be stored]: An entity that will contain the value of the generated or updated contact's ID. This entity is used to identify the user or perform subsequent validations, such as adding them to a blacklist.
[Update contact name]: A boolean entity that indicates whether the contact's name should be updated on each occasion the client goes through this action. It is set to NO by default.
Linking Contacts from Different Channels (Optional)
Correlation Identifiers: (Limited to 3 correlations) a parameter that can be stored associated with each contact to link channels from different sources. Example of correlation: If a user is identified, and their identification number is requested in Lynn's workflow, this number serves as a correlator to link the same user across other channels, such as various social networks. Managing this correlation will populate an internal record associated with Lynn's contact list for this application.
[Expression to specify correlation identifier N]: A string-type entity that will contain the value to relate the contact of the same client to different channels, for example: RUT.
[Update correlation identifier N]: Choose between the options YES/NO. If the selection is:
• YES: It will allow the identifier to be updated in each interaction the client performs.
• NO: The initially stored value will be maintained, and it will not be updated after the first occurrence, even if the execution goes through the same box.
Implementation Example:
[Expression to specify the contact's full name]: USER_NAME
[Entity where the created contact's ID will be stored]: CONTACT_ID
[Update contact's name]: NO
[Correlator 1]: RUT (optional)
-- Result:
A contact record is created with the name defined as "USER_NAME" associated with the origin channel of the interaction, with the contact ID "CONTACT_ID." Optionally, if a correlator field like RUT or identification card has been defined, this channel will be linked to the record that matches this correlator field.
Advanced Functions: Not declared.