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Section: Settings related to PURE CLOUD chat service Open Message Technical

Before starting with the configuration, it is important to remember that Genesys Cloud Open Message functions asynchronously. Therefore, the Proactive Module from Lynn must be in place to send messages when the session has ended, keeping the communication active.


1- Create a campaign in Lynn

  • Configure a campaign in Lynn in AlwaysOn mode so that it is always active. Details can be found in the Lynn Proactive section. For more information about the configuration, consult HERE.

2- Campaign Contact Manager

  • It is a best practice to create an extension module called Campaign Contact Manager, which will generate the CONTACT_ID and set up the contact data. This will facilitate efficient interaction retrieval.

Note: The integration with Genesys Open Messaging uses the campaign module to notify customers through proactive messages when an agent sends a message without an active chat session. This ensures that messages are not lost and allows the chat session to be resumed when the customer replies, without needing to navigate the self-service flow again.

3- Create organization

  • Configure an organization in Genesys Cloud, where fields for the extension module configuration will be obtained, such as chat client ID, chat service password, region, etc.


Chat engine to use: A list field where you must select the chat engine to which the interaction will be transferred. For this case, select CLOUD_OPEN_MESSAGING from the dropdown list.

List to remove HTML tags in Elasticsearch dialog reports: Defines a list of HTML tags that will be removed when Lynn generates a report in Elasticsearch.

Select the connection to use: A list field that shows the previously created connections. In the list, you can see if they are connected through a visual identifier. More details can be found HERE.

Expression to indicate the transfer: A String field where you must enter the text that the client will see when the transfer to an agent is made.

Chat client ID: Unique chat ID, obtained from Genesys Cloud. If you selected a previously created connection, this field will already contain the necessary information.

Chat service password: Password for the chat service integration. Even if you selected a previously created connection, you must re-enter the password. To obtain this parameter from Genesys Cloud, consult HERE.

Integration identification: Field where the name of the integration service obtained from Genesys Cloud should be entered.

OpenMessaging Notification Webhook Signature: This field is used to verify the authenticity of notifications sent through the OpenMessaging webhook. Each notification sent from OpenMessaging to a webhook includes a signature, typically in the form of a security token, which confirms that the message originates from a legitimate source and has not been altered in transit.

To configure this signature, you need to complete the field in both the extension module and the Genesys Cloud settings with the same information.

Organization region: Select the region provided by Genesys Cloud. If an incorrect region is selected, agents will not be able to log in.

Require confirmation upon session end: This field allows indicating whether confirmation is required when the client ends the conversation. Select 'Yes' or 'No'.

Phrase that indicates the client's intent to end the conversation: A String field where the keyword the client can use to end the conversation is defined.

Entity containing the client's end confirmation option: Allows selecting or creating an entity to store the client's response to the session end confirmation.

Value that confirms the client's intent to end the conversation: A String field where the phrase or word that confirms the client's session end is entered.

Example usage of the previous 3 fields: Phrase that indicates the client's intent to end the conversation: 'EXIT' Entity containing the client's end confirmation option: Confirm (with value "Yes") Value that confirms the client's intent to end the conversation: 'Yes'

Expression defining the message sent to the client when the chat session ends: A String field where the message sent to the client when the chat session ends is entered.

Send messages when the session has ended, using the campaign module: Allows enabling the callback functionality. The values can be Yes or No.

Validates the maximum time to send a message to the client: Select the maximum number of hours allowed to send a message to the client after the interaction has ended.

Example: After the interaction has ended, the agent has a defined time to respond.

Campaign to send chat messages if the session has ended: Select the campaign that will process the callback messages.

Key/value list to define additional data for the campaign when the session has ended. Not evaluable: Define additional fields or entities that will accompany the new proactive interaction.

Expression defining the initial message sent to the agent when the interaction is created: Enter the message that the agent will receive at the start of the interaction.

Integration version: Select the integration version: V1 or V2. In version 2, the session end webhook encrypts the client's identifier.

Integrated channel: Select the previously created channel where the interactions will be generated.

Channel criteria: Enter the criteria to identify the current communication channel.

How historical information will be sent: Select how the historical context will be delivered to Genesys Cloud: Message URL Attached Attached and URL Raw Insert

Name to display on the incoming message widget: Enter the entity or text that will represent the bot or agent's name in the Webchat, previously configured in Genesys Cloud.

Expression to define the inactivity timeout for sending a warning message: Field that sets the inactivity timeout in seconds to send a warning message.

Example: 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Expression to define the warning message for inactivity: Enter the message that will be sent based on the inactivity configuration.

Expression to define the second inactivity timeout: Set the inactivity timeout in seconds to send a second warning message.

Example: 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Expression to define the second warning message for inactivity: Enter the message that will be sent in the second warning.

Expression to define the timeout to close the chat: Set the inactivity timeout in seconds to send a chat closure message.

Example: 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Expression to define the chat closure message: Enter the message that will be sent when closing the chat due to inactivity.

Note: The chat can close without warnings. If there is a second warning, the configured time must not be less than the first message. Inactivity timers start when the agent sends a message and reset with each new message.

Schema ID if additional data is sent: Enter the GUID of the schema created in Genesys Cloud.

Example: '9461XXXX-6130-XXXX-XXXX-b8cXXXXXXXXX'

Schema version if additional data is sent: Enter the schema version.

Example: '3'

First name of the contact: Required field to create the contact.

Example: 'Diego'

Middle name of the contact: Example: 'Juan'

Last name of the contact: Example: 'Juan Perez'

Work phone number of the contact: Example: '56999999999'

Corporate email of the contact: Example: ''

Additional contact data: Dynamic inputs to add additional data according to the created schema.

For more details on additional configurations, consult the working hours settings HERE and the queue waiting time configuration HERE.


Implementation Example

Field Value
Name: Lynn_SAP2021
Chat client ID: 465787r654fgc
Chat service password: A2sd34fg#$
Organization region: EU-Central
Require confirmation upon session end: Yes
Phrase to end the session: EXIT
Confirmation value: Yes
Integrated channel: Web
Inactivity warning timeout: 120 seconds
Warning message: "There has been inactivity, do you still wish to continue?"
Additional schema ID: 9461XXXX-6130-XXXX-XXXX-b8cXXXXXXXXX