Pure Cloud Get a Contact
Element Name: Pure Cloud Get a Contact
Category: Genesys Cloud
Description: Advanced functionality with a customizable name and a set of configurable parameters for querying outbound campaign contacts in Genesys Cloud.
Functionality: Allows querying a contact from outbound campaigns in Genesys Cloud, retrieving all data related to these lists and details of the records through integration with the Genesys Cloud REST API. For more details about these Genesys Cloud APIs, visit: https://developer.genesys.cloud/routing/outbound/
Configuration of Pure Cloud Get a Contact
Name: Unique descriptor for configuration box purposes to identify it within the flow.
Credentials Subset
Region: Dropdown field for selecting the region where the Genesys operation is located. Example: us_east_1
ClientID: GUID field indicating the Client ID of the Genesys Cloud API for creating a connection token.
Token: Alphanumeric string field indicating the client's creation token or secret for connecting to Genesys Cloud.
Configuration Subset
Contact List ID: String field containing the specific ID of the contact list to be queried.
In the API, this value will be in the header of the JSON Response along with the list name identifier.
List ID: 9d40f414-6cab-47fe-9db3-XXXX750667
Structure of Genesys Contact List via API
"id": "9d40f414-6cab-47fe-9db3-XXXX750667",
"name": "demo2",
"dateCreated": "2018-07-07T14:43:14.226Z",
"version": 1,
"division": {
"id": "000000c-1e89-4608-898c-3d80de90db1b",
"name": "Home",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/authorization/divisions/000000-1e89-4608-898c-3d80de90db1b"
"columnNames": [
"phoneColumns": [
"columnName": "fono12",
"type": "Móvil1"
"emailColumns": [],
"previewModeColumnName": "",
"previewModeAcceptedValues": [],
"automaticTimeZoneMapping": false,
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists/9d40f414-6cab-47fe-9db3-123d57750667"
"id": "cab9a25d-acdf-48c6-a7c4-eb3fc36f0cad",
"name": "DEMO_CLIENTE",
"dateCreated": "2020-04-09T02:59:49.658Z",
"version": 1,
"division": {
"id": "59324a6c-0000-4608-898c-3d8XXXXXdb1b",
"name": "Home",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/authorization/divisions/59324a6c-0000-4608-898c-3d8XXXXXdb1b"
"columnNames": [
"phoneColumns": [
"columnName": "Telefono_1",
"type": "Móvil"
"emailColumns": [],
"previewModeColumnName": "",
"previewModeAcceptedValues": [],
"automaticTimeZoneMapping": false,
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists/0000000-acdf-48c6-XXXXX-eb3fc36f0cad"
"pageSize": 84,
"pageNumber": 1,
"total": 2,
"firstUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists?pageSize=84&pageNumber=1",
"lastUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists?pageSize=84&pageNumber=1",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists?pageSize=84&pageNumber=1",
"pageCount": 1
-- Result: Note that the JSON result returns 2 contact lists sorted by "dateCreated"
"entities": [
"id": "a2f0e721-OOOO-4418-8655-03954eXXXXXX",
"name": "Test",
"dateCreated": "2019-07-29T19:41:24.553Z",
"version": 1,
"division": {
"id": "YYY24a6c-XXXX-4608-898c-3d80de900000",
"name": "Home",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/authorization/divisions/YYY24a6c-XXXX-4608-898c-3d80de900000"
"columnNames": [
"phoneColumns": [
"columnName": "CELULAR",
"type": "Móvila"
"emailColumns": [],
"previewModeColumnName": "",
"previewModeAcceptedValues": [],
"automaticTimeZoneMapping": false,
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists/YYYYe721-0000-4418-8655-03954e2RRRRRR"
"id": "000000-ccf4-4d49-FFFF-310b028460df",
"dateCreated": "2020-01-14T15:45:20.153Z",
"version": 1,
"division": {
"id": "PPPPPP-1e89-4608-YYYY-3d80de90db1b",
"name": "Home",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/authorization/divisions/000000-1e89-4608-898c-3d80de90db1b"
"columnNames": [
"phoneColumns": [
"columnName": "PHONE_NUMBER_Mobile"_1,
"type": "Móvil5"
"emailColumns": [],
"previewModeColumnName": "",
"previewModeAcceptedValues": [],
"automaticTimeZoneMapping": false,
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists/000000-ccf4-YYYY-a993-310b028460df"
"pageSize": 2,
"pageNumber": 1,
"total": 84,
"pageCount": 42
Contact ID:String field containing the ID of the contact to be queried.
Contact ID: e815c5a8-8b7b-48ed-a948-9a9f7be065ea
Contact Structure:
"id": "e815c5a8-8b7b-48ed-a948-9a9f7be065ea",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"modifyDate": "2019-07-17T15:12:42Z",
"createDate": "2019-07-17T15:12:42Z",
"schema": {
"id": "dfaefb61-d0a8-4ddb-89e3-016c5f71ce70",
"version": 1,
"selfUri": "/api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/schemas/dfaefb61-d0a8-4ddb-89e3-016c5f71ce70/versions/1"
"customFields": {
"id_identifier": "1234a",
"billingCode_text": "5678b",
"recruitingAgency_text": "Lumber Superstarz",
"certificate_longtext": "Chopping/sawing certification 2020",
"discipline_enum": "legal",
"employmentType_enum": "hourly",
"ranking_integer": 4,
"allocation_number": 75.5,
"startDate_date": "2018-04-03",
"lastContacted_datetime": "2018-04-12T12:07:59.000Z",
"active_checkbox": true,
"skills_tag": [
"selfUri": "/api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/e815c5a8-8b7b-48ed-a948-9a9f7be065ea"
Name of the entity to store the result obtained from an expression or service: String field. Here, you should enter the name of the entity where the result obtained from an expression or service will be stored. The entity must have been previously created.
Intent to execute in case of an error: The action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intention named: 'PURE_CLOUD_OUTBOUND_ON_ERROR'.
Note 📑 For more details on Genesys Cloud API RESPONSE codes, refer to GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts/{contactId}
Example of PureCloudGetContactList Implementation
-- Input
[Contact List ID]: 22222222-bc5f-4603-9c25-ddddddddddddd
[Contact ID]: e815c5a8-8b7b-48ed-a948-9a9f7be065ea
[Name of the entity to store the result obtained from an expression or service]: out1 --> empty
[Intent to execute in case of error]: error_out1
-- Result
Entity --> out1:
"id": "",
"name": "",
"contactListId": "",
"data": {
"": ""
"callRecords": {
"": {
"lastAttempt": "",
"lastResult": ""
"latestSmsEvaluations": {
"": {
"contactColumn": "",
"contactAddress": "",
"messageType": "",
"wrapupCodeId": "",
"timestamp": ""
"latestEmailEvaluations": {},
"callable": true,
"phoneNumberStatus": {
"": {
"callable": true
"contactableStatus": {
"": {
"contactable": true,
"columnStatus": {
"": {
"contactable": true
"contactColumnTimeZones": {
"": {
"timeZone": "",
"columnType": ""
"configurationOverrides": {
"priority": true
"dateCreated": "",
"selfUri": ""