Request Dynamic Menu
Element Name: Dynamic Menu Request
Category: Variable Manipulation
Description: Invokes the request for an entity from the client.
Functionality: Allows requesting a previously configured list-type entity. The presentation format is in the form of a menu, and the list options can be specified in the same action box. This information can be used later in the flow. Lynn will wait for the input of an option before proceeding.
Request Dynamic Menu Action Configuration Fields
[Entity Name obtained from an expression]: Defines a pre-existing entity that will be configured for information collection. For this functionality, an entity of list type must be configured, and it should have at least one value in the list.
Note: When creating the entity, it is essential to consider that it is mandatory to configure the message section with the textual request; this should be without single quotation marks.
-- Example: 'Please enter the requested information.'
Entity: ClasificationEntry -> (List) Entry value: OP1
[Available values for the menu entity]: Field for entering menu options. In this section, options to be displayed in the menu are defined, separated by enter. Options configured previously in the entity list will be ignored.
[Maximum failed attempts obtained from an expression]: Defines the number of failed attempts by the client. That is, if configured as 3 failed attempts, the client will have three opportunities to enter the correct data requested.
-- Example:
[Invalid value message obtained from an expression]: Defines an expression within single quotes. The message will be related to the incorrect entry of data by the client.
-- Example: 'The entered data does not correspond to what is requested, please retry.'
[Error handler]: Dropdown where the intention to be activated in case of an error in the "Satisfaction Survey" action is identified. When an error overflow occurs, the Request_Dynamic_Menu_Error entity will be loaded with the error details if available.
[Override channel configuration to present the menu]: Allows overriding the base channel configuration to specify how the menu is displayed. Selecting YES will ignore the general configuration.
[Present Menu as Text (Text), Button (Button), or List (List)]: Specifies the display format of the menu, according to the options available in a selection list.
[Language to present default elements of the interactive menu]: Select a language to operate the fixed elements of menu presentation in the system.
Rich Menu Configuration Fields (WhatsApp):
[Header Type]: Select an option from the list for presenting the header type. This will allow presenting images or banners that accompany the menu, and other multimedia formats are also supported based on the social media platform provider.
[Expression to obtain the Footer Code]: Allows specifying the entity that contains the file or reference that will be loaded as enriched text in the footer.
Implementation Example of Request Dynamic Menu:
-- The user will be prompted to select an option from a generic menu.
Preconfiguration of DynamicEntity entity: Type: List; List options: OP1 ; Message: "Enter the selection value:".
For the Request Dynamic Menu box, the parameters will be as follows:
[Entity Name obtained from an expression]: name --> Entity type string --> 'DynamicEntity'
[Available values for the menu entity]:
[Maximum failed attempts obtained from an expression]: 3
[Invalid value message obtained from an expression]: 'The entered format does not match, please enter your name again'
[Error handler]: 'ErrorH' (Error overflow entity).
[WhatsApp menu presentation]: No
[Header Type]: --
Conditional structures can be implemented based on validating the loading of the menu entity with the selectable options from the configured list to determine the next action to be executed.
The designed menu will have the following presentation: