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Rocketbot Execute Form Process

Element Name: Rocketbot Execute Form Process

Category: RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Description: An advanced functionality enabling integration between Rocketbot (an RPA-based software) and Lynn, primarily by sending information from forms created in Rocketbot for execution. It can also receive information about the outcome of its operations in Lynn.

Functionality: Sends a request to Rocketbot for executing a form (to be executed by a bot). Additionally, it can retrieve the response and the data Rocketbot returns through a webhook, allowing for a strategy to process that data.

Note: For more information about Rocketbot and its automation functionalities, check:

Rocketbot Execute Form Process Configuration

[Name]: Unique descriptor used for identification within the flow.

[BASE_URL]: String field defining the base URL for invocation.


[BEARER_TOKEN]: String expression field indicating the Bearer token required for API connection, provided by Rocketbot when accessing the API. Must be enclosed in single quotes.



[Form Token]: String field indicating the form token for connecting to the form. Each form generated in Rocketbot has a unique token. Must be enclosed in single quotes.



[JSON request]: JSON request obtained from an expression. Send variables, parameters, inputs, etc., in JSON format required for the BOT to execute the process (constructed based on the created form).


'{"mail":"","texto":"hello from lynn"}'

[Wait for Service Response (boolean)]: Select True for a synchronous request or False for an asynchronous request.

Selecting "True" displays a group of parameters called “Response Processing” (optional) containing 2 configurable parameters:

[Entity Name]: Name of the entity to store the result obtained from an expression or service. Example: 'rocketbot_response'

[Response Waiting Time]: Waiting time in seconds Lynn waits for the service response. A List field with a minimum of 5 seconds and a maximum of 120 seconds.

[Intent to execute in case of error]: The intent to execute in case of an error. The action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intent named 'RocketBot_Error'. IntList type field.

Webhook Configuration in Rocketbot

If receiving the service response is required, it's necessary to add a variable in the data body to send as a response. Subsequently, this variable will contain the information Rocketbot returns to Lynn.

-- Example:

Configuration of webhook in Rocketbot and sending the "rocketlynn" variable

Note: In the example, the server url field corresponds to the address where the service response needs to be sent.



Implementation Example

--Objective: Automate sending emails with Rocketbot and Lynn.


Create the RobotPrueba form in Rocketbot. For information on how to create a form, refer to THIS LINK. Once the form is created, take note of the token:


  • Form Token:

-- Input:

  • Lynn Configuration:





[JSON request]: '{"mail":"","texto":"hello from lynn"}'

[Wait for Service Response (boolean)]: YES

[Entity Name]: 'rocketbot_response'

[Response Waiting Time]: 30

[Intent to execute in case of error]: 'RocketBot_Error'

  • Rocketbot Studio Configuration:

-- Output:

  • Example of an automatically sent email

  • Example of Rocketbot service response and associated system variable "rocketlynn"
        "status": "true",
        "rocketlynn ": "2699_FEF33040-C580-4412-9B51-3E790751612C_FEF33040-C580-4412-9B51-3E790751612C_2323988_FEF33040-C580-4412-9B51-3E790751612C_2323937",
        "data": "the robot worked successfully"