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Show Entities

Item Name: Show Entities

Category: Action Module (Debug Utils)

Description: Advanced functionality, shows the entities that the session is handling at that moment, has a customizable name.

Functionality: When entering debug mode in the flow or from the session simulator, all the entities that are loaded and their values when passing through that action can be visualized.

Show Entities Action Configuration Fields

[Name] Unique descriptor of the configuration box for identification purposes in the flow.

General Subset

[Show System Entities]: YES must be selected to indicate whether the system's own entities will be displayed together with the entities created in the flow that are running in the same session when passing through that action, selecting NO will prevent displaying the system entities.

Show Entities Implementation Example

In order to better visualize the result of the following examples, it is important to activate the Debug mode From the simulator in Lynn's Flow Designer.

Example 1: When the option to show system entities is deactivated (NO), the output result (in Debug mode of the simulator) will only show the created entities that are in use as in the following example:

Entity: 'ChannelName'='Emulator' (String)
Entity: 'ToId'='SIM_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_U424T2747' (String)
Entity: 'ChannelURL'='-' (String)
Entity: 'lang'='ES' (String)
Entity: 'saludo'='hola' (String)
Entity: 'ExternalConversationId'='SIM_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_U424T2747' (String)
Entity: 'ToName'='Lynn Emulator' (String)
Entity: 'Rut'='1111111-1' (String)
Entity: 'Provider'='LYNN' (String)
Entity: 'ChannelId'='19' (String)

Example 2: When the option to show system entities is activated (YES), the output result (in simulator debug mode) will show the system entities as it is visualized in the following example:

Entity: '@ENVIRONMENT'='developer' (String)
Entity: '@CRITERIA'='Rut' (String)
Entity: 'ChannelName'='Emulator' (String)
Entity: 'ToId'='SIM_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_U424T2747' (String)
Entity: 'ChannelURL'='-' (String)
Entity: '@SESSION_ID'='edd26b04-b717-40cb-8697-34a6af766168' (String)
Entity: '@LAST_INTENT'='intent_welcome' (String)
Entity: '@CURRENT_INTENT'='intent_welcome' (String)
Entity: '@BOT_NAME'='LYNN' (String)
Entity: '@CRITERIA_VALUE'='1111111-1' (String)
Entity: 'lang'='ES' (String)
Entity: '@CURRENT_EVALUATION'='hola' (String)
Entity: 'saludo'='hola' (String)
Entity: 'ExternalConversationId'='SIM_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_U424T2747' (String)
Entity: 'ToName'='Lynn Emulator' (String)
Entity: 'Rut'='1111111-1' (String)
Entity: 'Provider'='LYNN' (String)
Entity: '@CLIENT_NAME'='SIM_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_U424T2747' (String)
Entity: '@USER_NAME'='LynnSimulator' (String)
Entity: 'ChannelId'='19' (String)

NOTE👁️‍🗨️ Entities of the system can be distinguished since their name starts with the symbol @.