Validate Chat Open Messaging
Element Name: Validate Chat Open Messaging
Category: Call Center
Description: Validate if the last interaction is a chat.
Functionality: Verify if the entering customer has previously been in an Open Message chat interaction and if it is still active.
For its configuration, please consider the following parameters:
Configuration Fields for Validate Chat Open Messaging Action
[Name]: A unique configuration box descriptor for identification purposes within the workflow.
[Identify the action that contains the transfer to the executive.]: An optional field corresponding to a dropdown list where you must select the specific action entity you want to monitor.
[Expression containing Validation Time in hours.]: An Integer Expression field where you must enter the time in hours or the corresponding entity that stores the amount of time to validate that the chat type is Open Message.
[The name of the entity where the result obtained from an expression will be stored.]: A string expression field in which you should enter the name of the entity where the ID of the Open Message interaction will be stored.
Implementation Example
-- Prerequisite:
Create a result entity 'The variable value is: ' + 'ValidateChat'
-- Input:
[Name]: ValidateChat
[Identify the action that contains the transfer to the executive.] --
[Expression containing Validation Time in hours.]: 2
[The name of the entity where the result obtained from an expression will be stored.]: 'ValidateChat'
-- Result:
The value of the entity 'ValidateChat' will be printed, for example:
The variable value is: 3456XXX