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JS Code block

Element name: JavaScript Code block

Categoría: Action Module

Description: Advanced functionality, consisting of an input field for structuring JavaScript code, has a customizable name.

Functionality: Allows the execution of a thread of actions in a complex sequence. It is oriented to the execution of small code scripts, so it is not intended to be an instance of programming for a complementary flow of Lynn. For structuring, most of the established JavaScript programming resources can be used, additionally pre-configured methods are included that will allow interacting with Lynn's resources.

It is important to take into account the following safe operation parameters:

  • The maximum exploitable execution memory is 10MB, so you must take into account the weight of the entities within the Code Block.

  • The maximum execution time of a JS Code Block is limited to 5 seconds, this is a security measure, when exceeding this time a "watchdog" will typify a security error. Keep in mind that each data action against CORE Lynn for entity management takes approximately 3-5 ms.

  • There is a maximum recursion limit, set at 10. Avoid unnecessary loops and, if they exist, make sure not to exceed this threshold.

  • The maximum size of execution lines is 1000 at runtime, exceeding this limit can cause degradation or significant increases in execution times in the JS Code Block.

  • This functionality is supported on ECMAScript 3 and ECMAScript 5, including ES5.

Working with the JS Code Block Action

Definition of System Variables

BotName Bot or application name
ClientName Name of the client that initializes the interaction (It can be associated with the criterion according to the channel)
AgentName Name of the agent who serves the interaction, the update of this variable depends on the implemented contact center technology.
ConversationId Unique conversation ID.
SessionId Unique session ID.
Tenant Tenant identifier (integer)
ActionId Identifier of the executed action numerator (integer).
CreationDate Start time of the session.
ChannelId Channel identifier (integer).

Note: You can consult the updated list of system variables or entities directly in the entity viewer of Lynn's flow editor.

Functions or methods included to work with Lynn

GetEntityValue(string name) Gets the value of an entity.
GetGlobalEntityValue(string name) Gets the value of a Global entity.
InduceMessage(string text, string voiceText, string audio, bool availableByVoice, bool availableByText) Presents a simple dialogue as a text bubble.
InduceDataEvent(string name, string value) Sends a data-type event to Lynn. This event is not displayed as a dialogue and is especially useful in Lynn API implementations to indicate or transmit markers.
ClearEntityByName(string name) Clears the set value of a local entity.
SetEntityByName(string name, string value) Sets the value of a local entity by specifying its name.
RemoveEntityByName(string name) Deletes a local entity by specifying its name.
ClearGlobalEntityByName(string name) clears the value set for a global entity by specifying its name.
SetGlobalEntityByName(string name) Sets the value of a global entity by specifying its name.
RemoveGlobalEntityByName(string name) Removes a global entity by specifying its name.
ExecuteDialogActionById(int id) Executes a dialog configured as an action by specifying its ID. It is executed at the end of the code block.
AddActionById(int id) Similar to ExecuteDialogActionByID, adds the execution of an action by specifying its ID. It is executed at the end of the code block.
GetUnrecognizedText() In case of cognitive evaluation, returns the unrecognized text. Example: I am Alberto and I want to check my current account balance. Detected intent: Balance, Entity: Current Account, and unrecognized text: Alberto or any text that is not recognized in the cognitive evaluation.
GetEvaluationText() Returns the text entered by the client for evaluation purposes.
GetBaseConfiguration(string key) Retrieves the value of an application configuration parameter. Note: Can be used as constants.
GetConfiguration(int actionId, string key) Returns the value of a configuration parameter associated with an action ID. The key is associated with each configurable field of the action.
StartChatConversation(int actionId, string from) Transfers to the chat engine (This method requires that the chat engine configuration be established in the application configuration and only admits one per application)
FinalizeConverzation() Ends the current conversation. Example in a queue overflow.
FinalizeChatConverzation() Ends the conversation and returns a boolean indicating that the conversation has ended.
IsOnChatConversation() Returns a boolean indicating whether the conversation is in chat with an executive.
GetHistoric(string level) Returns historical information associated with a specific level of recording. Values: Audit/Debug/Error/Dialog. The returned value is a string in Json format, associated with the current session.


  • Execution methods for variable manipulation take effect at the end of the action execution.

  • Pay special attention to code validation, including the closing semicolon ";" and curly brackets "{}" in conditions and loops. We recommend using a JS syntax validator for this purpose, as there are many free tools available online.

Action Configuration Fields

[Name] Unique descriptor of the configuration box for identification purposes in the flow.

[Code Implementation] Code input space for implementing logic in JavaScript.

[Error Handler] Selection box where the intention that will be activated in case of a Code Block error is identified. When an error overflow occurs, the Code_Block_Error entity will be loaded with error details if available.

Examples of JS Code Block Implementation

Example 1: Using conditions and loops. (if/for)

-- JS Code block input::

    var count = GetEntityValue('Iteration');
    if (count > 10) {
        InduceMessage('Maximum limit exceeded: 10', '', '', true, true);
        count = 10;
    } else {
        InduceMessage('Repeat the message -Hello world Lynn: ' + count + ' times', '', '', true, true);
    for (var i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
        InduceMessage('Hello world Lynn -\>' + i, '', '', true, true);
    InduceMessage('\*---\*', '', '', true, true);

-- Result 1. Precondition> NumberMessagesPrint --> 3:

    Now I am going to repeat the message 'Hello World Lynn' 3 times

    Hello World Lynn ->1

    Hello World Lynn ->2

    Hello World Lynn ->3


Please note that each dialogue message corresponds to a text bubble.

-- Result 2. Precondition>NumberMessagesPrint --> 11:

 You entered in number 11, I'm going to limit the number of iterations to only 10

 Hello World Lynn ->1

 Hello World Lynn ->2

 Hello World Lynn ->3

 Hello World Lynn ->4

 Hello World Lynn ->5

 Hello World Lynn ->6

 Hello World Lynn ->7

 Hello World Lynn ->8

 Hello World Lynn ->9

 Hello World Lynn ->10


Example 2: Formatting Json from weather Web services and unit conversion.

-- Input JS Code block:**

try {  
    var JsonResponse = GetEntityValue('JsonWebRequestResult');
    if (JsonResponse !== null) {
        var obj = JSON.parse(JsonResponse);
        var weatherWindSpeed = obj.wind.speed;
        var weatherTemp = Number(obj.main.temp).toPrecision(2) - Number('273.15');
        var weatherPressure = obj.main.pressure;
        var weatherHumidity = obj.main.humidity;
        var weatherCodeResponse = obj.cod;
        if (weatherCodeResponse === 200) {
            InduceMessage('Wind speed: ' + weatherWindSpeed + 'm/s', '', '', true, true);
            InduceMessage('Temperature: ' + weatherTemp.toPrecision(2) + ' Celsius', '', '', true, true);
            InduceMessage('Pressure: ' + weatherPressure + 'mbar', '', '', true, true);
            InduceMessage('Humidity: ' + weatherHumidity + '%', '', '', true, true);
    SetEntityByName('JsonWebRequestResult', '');
    SetEntityByName('WeatherCityToFind', '');  
    JsonResponse = null;  
    catch (error) 
        InduceMessage('City not found', '', '', true, true);

-- Result. Precondition>Input Json>JsonWebRequestResult

        lon: -70.6483, 
        lat: -33.4569  
    weather: [  
        id: 804,
        main: Clouds,  
        description: overcast clouds,  
        icon: 04d  
    base: stations,  
        temp: 288.35,  
        feels_like: 287.34,  
        temp_min: 283.84,  
        temp_max: 290.92,  
        pressure: 1024,  
        humidity: 54  
    visibility: 7000,  
    wind: {  
        speed: 2.06,  
        deg: 260  
    clouds: {  all: 100  },  
    dt: 1662053921,  
    sys: {  
        type: 2, 
         id: 2075413, 
          country: CL, 
          sunrise: 1662030043, 
          sunset: 1662071095 
        timezone: -14400, 
         id: 3871336,  
         name: Santiago, 
         cod: 200 


    description: overcast clouds

    Wind speed: 3.09m/s

    Temperature: 17 Celsius

    Pressure: 994mbar

    Humidity: 70%

Note that the information from the JSON response of a web service has been taken and formatted for presentation, including transformations from Fahrenheit to Celsius temperature units.

Graphic user interface, Text, Application, Chat or text message Automatically generated description

Advanced Functions

Not declared.